Green Living

Can you use a home battery system to power your whole house?

Written by blank | Nov 28, 2023 6:00:01 AM

A home battery system provides stores electricity that you can use whenever you choose. Maybe you want to avoid paying high utility rates, maximize the benefits of your solar panels by storing surplus power, or reduce your reliance on the electric grid.

One of the biggest benefits of home battery systems, however, is the protection the offer when the power goes out. As extreme weather and grid failures become more common, many homeowners are using batteries to keep the lights on.

That raises an important question: How much of your household's energy needs can a battery meet, and for how long?

Can a home battery system power your entire house? 

You definitely can power every appliance and device in your home from batteries. That can be expensive, however, because one battery won't have enough capacity to meet the needs of your entire home. Instead, you'll need multiple batteries.

Instead, many homeowners install one battery and choose which of their appliances to keep running during an outage. These essential appliances are known as a critical load. They often include your refrigerator and freezer, internet router, garage door openers, and essential medical equipment. During a power outage, these appliances will automatically receive electricity from your battery. 

Can you adjust your critical load?

Typically, you pre-select the appliances to include in your critical load. If you install a smart panel with your battery, you can change your selected critical loads. A smart panel uses an app to show you which appliances are receiving power and how much they're using. The app also lets you turn appliances on and off. This way, you have the flexibility to decide which appliances you want to use in an outage, and when.

How long can a home battery system supply power? 

Power outages in the U.S. are getting longer and more frequent. Between 2013 and 2021, the average duration of a power outage rose from about 3.5 hours to more than 7 hours. The good news is that most batteries should be able to supply power to your critical loads until the power comes back on. Panasonic's EVERVOLT home battery system can supply power for six to nine hours when fully charged. (Duration varies based on the number and usage rate of the appliances powered by the battery.)

If you charge your battery from the grid, it will have a finite amount of power. If you have solar panels, however, you can keep charging your battery during a power outage. The EVERVOLT's charge should increase about 10% in 30-40 minutes with solar panels. That obviously means you can power your critical appliances for longer. 

How can you make your stored power last longer?

Several factors affect how long your battery can supply power to your home. These include your battery system's capacity (i.e., how much electricity it can store when fully charged), the amount of electricity you use, and how quickly your battery recharges.

Here are some tips for helping your stored power go further during an outage:

1. Curb your energy usage

The easiest way to help your stored battery power last longer? Reduce your energy consumption. Most batteries come with an app that lets you monitor your electricity consumption and track how much power your battery has left. That way, you can keep adjusting your usage so your energy lasts for longer.

2. Pair your battery with solar panels

If you have a standalone battery that charges from the electric grid, then your stored power will eventually run out. You won't be able to recharge your battery until the grid comes back on. On the other hand, if you pair your battery with solar, your panels can still generate electricity. That electricity will recharge your battery whenever the sun shines.

3. Choose a home battery system with a higher capacity

When comparing batteries, look at their capacity. Capacity is indicated in kilowatt-hours (kWh) and usually falls between 10 and 16 kWh. Batteries with higher capacities will be able to support your appliances for longer. Panasonic's EVERVOLT home battery system has a usable energy capacity of 18 kWh per system and can be stacked to obtain a total capacity of 72 kWh.

4. Use a home energy management system (HEMS)

A HEMS monitors household energy data, including the amount of power you use and when, as well as external data such as utility rates and the weather. It uses this data to make forecasts, recommendations, and automated adjustments to your energy usage. With a HEMS, you're never using more energy than you need, helping your stored power last longer. 

A home battery system can keep your critical appliances running when the power goes out, keeping your family comfortable and minimizing disruption. See how Panasonic's battery solutions can give you peace of mind and energy savings.