The price of solar panels and battery storage has been declining for years, making a total home energy system increasingly attractive. By enabling you to store your surplus solar power, batteries give you the freedom to choose when and how you want to use your home-generated electricity.
The good news is that solar plus battery storage technology is now a readily accessible and affordable option for many homeowners, providing alternative electricity sources for home use. Here's a look at the benefits of an all-in-one energy system and how to decide whether it makes sense for you.
What is a total home energy system?
Alternative energy systems like these combine rooftop solar panels with a battery storage system. This means the abundance of electricity your solar panels produce on a sunny day can be captured and stored in a battery, for you to use at other times.
Some manufacturers, like Panasonic, provide the full solution, all warrantied by one company. This means you can feel safe in the knowledge that one company will fully support you through the end-to-end process of choosing and installing the right system for your home and energy needs.
What are the benefits of total home energy systems?
Battery storage systems enable you to make the most of your solar panels, by ensuring none of your clean, sustainable energy is wasted. Instead, a battery will collect surplus energy on a sunny day and store it for you to use whenever it's convenient.
The freedom to use your solar electricity at a time that is right for you has numerous benefits. For example, you can use it to keep the lights and laptops on during a power outage. Or you can tap into it when grid electricity prices are high, such as in the afternoons or evenings, to keep your bills down.
In addition to making your home cleaner and more sustainable, an all-in-one energy solution allows you to get the most from your solar panels all year round, collecting energy when the sun is shining to use on a rainy day. And what's more, it can even boost the value of your property.
What type of household is well-suited to this system?
A total home energy system is a great investment for many homeowners. But it isn't suitable for everyone. This is where talking to an expert, such as a Panasonic authorized installer, can help. Here are some scenarios where solar plus storage can be really beneficial.
- Your utility charges time-of-use rates (TOU). This means you will pay more for your electricity during times of peak demand. In this case, an all-in-one energy system gives you the ability to use your stored power when rates rise, to keep your bills lower.
- Your utility has demand charges. Here, you pay a fee based on your total electricity use. An all-in-one energy system can reduce the amount of electricity you buy from the grid, helping to keep your demand charges low.
- You experience regular outages. An all-in-one energy system gives you round-the-clock access to stored power, so you can keep the lights on even during a blackout or brownout.
- You want greater energy independence. Solar plus storage allows you to choose if and when you draw energy from the grid, giving you more freedom and control over your energy source.
- You want to increase the sustainability of your home. By coupling a battery with your solar panels, you ensure that all of your clean energy is put to good use and none is wasted.
How to Manage the Costs
There are several federal and state incentives available to offset some of the costs of installing a solar plus battery storage system. The federal Investment Tax Credit currently allows you to deduct 26 percent of the total cost of your system from your taxes. This declines to 22 percent next year, before being scrapped for homeowners in 2022. In addition to the ITC, many states including California also offer generous incentive schemes. Take a look at this database of state incentives.
How to install a home energy system
The best way to get started is to reach out to an authorized installer, who can help you understand what incentives are available to you and how you can apply for them. A trusted installer will also work closely with you and the manufacturer to understand the best system for your home and energy requirements.
Panasonic's all-in-one home energy solution combines its HIT® high-efficiency solar panels with its new EverVolt battery storage technology, all warrantied by one company. Get in touch with a vetted and verified Panasonic authorized installer for a free consultation.